

who remembers MUZZY?

i remember this commercial from when i was a lil kiddie

1 comment:

Lovelife said...

man i wonder if this is just a coincidence, a schizo moment, or just the result of a wake n bake but i find this randomly weird cause out of years not EVER referencing muzzy i brought him up in a conversation yesterday....

the reason i brought him up came from the fact that i was talkin about snuggies (i dnt know if u've seen it on t.v....the half cover/half hoodie) and what an easy hustle it is...and of course there isnt too much difference in the sound of snuggie and muzzy...PLUS they are both smart/easy hustles

but anyway i still find it weird that there was two muzzy references within 24hrs...it's like everyone is communicating telepathically (!CRAZY!) or some shit.....anyway what made u think of muzzy?!!??! dnt tell me it was also snuggies?!?!?!